LiveSmartDie$mart Branding

The design brief for LiveSmartDie$mart prioritized creating an identity for a platform preparing for the afterlife driven by knowledge. Our focus was on a community that frequently leaves handling an assortment of possessions in limbo until the very last minute. Thru surveys and replies to blog posts, we discovered benefactors of assets were typically unidentified or improperly identified. Assets were also lost thru improper probate proceedings.

nFormed, the parent company, launched a succession of books first, followed by an eCommerce component selling books online. The website’s secondary goal was to generate an audience by building a knowledge-based content subscription platform.

Designing a process to tell our story online made all the difference.


Our iteration process was driven by design thinking, we developed the user interface and user experience based on the technology of the day and data gathered from response tabulation of comments.

Our workflow and process sketches were transformed into vector art using Adobe’s Illustrator, Photoshop, Fireworks, Muse, and Dreamweaver.

We used the nFormed library to provide narrative content. We also translated the book content into task forms and action items to deliver the best end-user experience.




Enviromental Graphics