Illustration visually speaks for itself.


It all begins with an idea, a sketch, and some digital sauce. Visual communication has been around before the early Lascaux cave paintings were created some 17,000 years ago (early Magdalenian). Today we have replaced charcoal and paper with pixels and glass. Ultimately an artist’s visual goal is communication.

Portraits have been a creative outlet for me. I have curated my exercise of notable African American portraiture and applied them to a Black History book to honor a rich American culture.

Political portraits are always great ways to exercise techniques to stay sharp.

The following Illustrations were made for a fintech app’s instructional component. The images display diversity and common relatable lifestyles.

3D images for a masterplan allowed me to design create architecture for a 86 acre redevelopment.

Personal and professional work created under aliases to explore my creative juices.

My personal work is presented under aliases to explore my creative juices.

Personal Works

Midnight Run



